Музыкальная “демка” с помощью iPhone. Как сделать рингтон на iPhone из любой песни

You can share a song as a GarageBand project or as an audio file. You can share GarageBand songs to SoundCloud or to another app on your device. You can send a song in an email, share to nearby devices using AirDrop, or use it as a ringtone.

GarageBand supports sharing extensions. If you have an app with a sharing extension on your device, you can share songs to a social network or other service.

You can also import a GarageBand for iOS song using iTunes. Because GarageBand for Mac offers features and functionality not found in GarageBand for iOS, you can’t import a GarageBand for Mac song to GarageBand for iOS.

In Logic Pro and GarageBand for Mac, you can share a special GarageBand for iOS-compatible version of your project to iCloud. You can add, edit, and arrange new tracks in GarageBand for iOS. When you reopen the project in Logic Pro or GarageBand for Mac, the new tracks are added to the original project.

Send a song to iTunes

    Tap Share, tap Save to Files, locate and tap the GarageBand folder on your iPad, then tap Add.

    A stereo audio file is saved to the GarageBand folder on your iPad.

    Do one of the following:

    • Drag the song from the GarageBand Documents list to the Finder.

      Click the song, click Save As, navigate to the location where you want to save the song or folder, then click Save.

GarageBand projects in the GarageBand folder on your iPad also appear in the GarageBand Documents list in iTunes. Save them to your computer, as described in Step 5.

You can open a GarageBand project in GarageBand on your Mac, or play the audio file in iTunes on your computer. You can’t open a GarageBand project on a Windows computer.

Send a song to iTunes using the GarageBand File Transfer folder

GarageBand uses the GarageBand File Transfer folder in the My Songs browser to store audio files that you can import into GarageBand songs or use with other music apps. You can save the GarageBand File Transfer folder to your computer to create a backup or to use with other apps.

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then tap Song.

    After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

    Tap Share, then tap iTunes.

    A stereo audio file is saved to the GarageBand File Transfer folder.

    Connect your iPad to your computer and open iTunes on your computer.

    Your connected iPad appears as an icon in the upper-left corner of the iTunes window.

    Select the icon for your iPad, click File Sharing in the sidebar under Settings, then click GarageBand in the Apps list.

    The GarageBand File Transfer folder appears in the Documents list.

    Do one of the following:

    • Drag the GarageBand File Transfer folder from the GarageBand Documents list to the Finder.

      Click the GarageBand File Transfer folder, click Save As, navigate to the location where you want to save it, then click Save.

Send a song in an email

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then tap Song.

    After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

    Tap Share, then tap Mail.

    A new email is created with the song as an attachment.

    In the email, tap the To, Cc/Bcc, and Subject fields to edit the recipients and the subject of the email. To choose recipients from your Address Book, tap the Add Recipient button.

    Tap the body of the email to edit the message text.

    When the email is ready, tap Send.

    You can’t send the email until you add at least one recipient.

Send a song using Messages

Open a song in another app on your device

You can open a GarageBand song in iMovie or another app on your device. The app must be compatible with the “Open in” feature.

    • Send a stereo audio file: Tap Song, then tap Share.

      After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

      Send a GarageBand project: Tap Project.

    A list shows apps that can open the song. If there are no compatible apps on your device, the list is empty.

    Tap the icon of the app you want to open the song in.

Import a GarageBand for iOS song

You can use iTunes to import a GarageBand for iOS song that was made on another iOS device. Because GarageBand for Mac offers features and functionality not found in GarageBand for iOS, you can’t import a GarageBand for Mac song to GarageBand for iOS.

    Connect your iPad to your computer and open iTunes on your computer.

    Your connected device appears as an icon in the upper-left corner of the iTunes window.

    Select the icon for your iPad, click File Sharing in the sidebar under Settings, then GarageBand in the Apps list.

    Do one of the following:

    • Drag a song to the GarageBand Documents list.

      Click Add, navigate to the location of the song you want to add, select it, then click Choose.

After you import a song, you can open it in the My Songs browser.

Share a song to nearby devices using AirDrop

You can share songs to other iOS devices using AirDrop. AirDrop is available for devices featuring a Lightning connector.

Before sharing a song using AirDrop, you must turn AirDrop on in Control Center. You can also choose whether to share with all devices using AirDrop, or only those in your Contacts.

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then do one of the following:

    • Send a stereo audio file: Tap Song, then tap Share.

      After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

      Send a GarageBand project: Tap Project.

    Tap the device you want to share with.

    To return to the My Songs browser without sharing the song, tap Cancel.

A notification appears on the device it is shared with. After the song is downloaded to the device, it opens in GarageBand (if GarageBand is the only compatible app) or presents a list of compatible music apps.

Collaborate with other users

You can invite people to collaborate with you on songs stored in iCloud Drive. When you or one of the other users close a song you are collaborating on or close GarageBand, the song is updated with the latest changes in iCloud Drive. If changes made on multiple devices are out of sync, a copy of the song with the new changes is saved to the same location as the original in iCloud Drive. For more information about iCloud, see Use iCloud with GarageBand .

    In the My Songs browser, tap iCloud Drive in the sidebar, and locate the song you want to share.

    Tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, tap Project, then tap Add People.

    Tap Share Options to change access and permissions settings.

    Do one of the following:

    • Tap Message to share a link to your song using Messages.

      Tap Mail to send a link to your song in an email.

      Tap Copy Link to copy the link to your song to the clipboard.

      If “Only people you invite” is selected in Share Options, a window appears where you can add people that can access the song. When you are done, tap Copy Link.

Send a GarageBand song to SoundCloud

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then tap Song.

    After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

    Tap Share, then tap SoundCloud.

    If you are not logged in to SoundCloud, log in.

    Type a title for the song.

    Tap Continue and tap the Visibility, Permissions, and Quality settings you want the song to have, then tap Share.

    The song is uploaded to SoundCloud as an audio file with the selected quality setting.

    Do one of the following:

    • Open SoundCloud in Safari: Tap Visit.

      Send an email with a link to the song on SoundCloud: Tap Tell a Friend.

      Return to GarageBand: Tap Close.

Send a GarageBand song to Youku

Sending a song to Youku is available when a Chinese keyboard is chosen on your device.

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then tap Song.

    After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

    Tap Share, then tap Youku.

    If you are not logged in to Youku, log in.

    Type a title and description for the song.

    To choose an image for the song, tap Photos, then locate and tap the image.

    Tap the Privacy setting you want the song to have, then tap Share.

    The song is uploaded to Youku as a movie.

Share a GarageBand song using a sharing extension

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then do one of the following:

    • Send a stereo audio file: Tap Song, then tap Share.

      After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

      Send a GarageBand project: Tap Project.

    Tap the icon for the social network or service.

    Follow the instructions in the dialog for your social network or service.

Before you can share GarageBand songs using a sharing extension, you must install one or more apps that include a sharing extension.

Share a GarageBand song as a ringtone or text tone

    In the My Songs browser, tap Select, then tap the song you want to export.

    Tap Share, then tap Ringtone.

    The Export Ringtone panel opens, showing the name for the ringtone. By default, the ringtone uses the same name as the song.

    The maximum length for exported ringtones is 30 seconds. If the exported ringtone exceeds the maximum length, a dialog appears. Tap Continue to have GarageBand shorten the ringtone automatically, or tap Cancel to return to the song so you can shorten it.

    To rename the ringtone, tap the name and type a new name.

  1. In the Ringtone Export Successful panel, do one of the following:

    • Return to the My Songs browser: Tap OK.

      Choose a use for the ringtone: Tap “Use sound as,” then do one of the following:

      • Use the ringtone as your standard ringtone, replacing the existing ringtone: Tap Standard Ringtone.

        Use the ringtone as your standard text tone, replacing the existing text tone: Tap Standard Text Tone.

        See a list of your contacts: Tap “Assign to contact,” then tap the contact you want to use the ringtone with.

        Return to the My Songs browser without assigning the ringtone: Tap Done.

Manage exported GarageBand ringtones

Send a GarageBand song to YouTube or Facebook via iMovie

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then tap Song.

    After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality of the file, and choose an image for the audio file.

    Tap Share, then tap Copy to iMovie.

    Add your idea to a new iMovie project, then share the resulting movie to YouTube or Facebook.

    If iMovie is not installed on your device, download it from the App Store.

В современном мире телефон является важной частью каждого человека. Многие люди используют iPhone не только для связи, но и для развлечения. Apple предложила пользователям большой выбор мелодий на любой вкус. Правда далеко не всегда предложенного выбора достаточно. Нередко мы хотим использовать трек из библиотеки в качестве мелодии для звонка. Но, как известно, сделать рингтон на iPhone не так просто.

Сегодня мы расскажем, как, не прибегая к сторонним приложениям и платным сервисам, сделать рингтон на iPhone из любой песни, хранимой в библиотеке смартфона. Для этого необходимо загрузить из App Store фирменный аудиоредактор Apple GarageBand. С недавних пор программа для всех пользователей.

Как сделать рингтон на iPhone из любой песни

Шаг 1: Откройте приложение GarageBand на iPhone.

Шаг 2: Пролистайте вправо до раздела Аудиорекордер и нажмите на карточку.

Шаг 3: Нажмите на иконку со слоями в левом верхнем углу (третья слева на верхней панели).

Шаг 4: Отключите метроном (иконка рядом с кнопкой записи).

Шаг 5: Нажмите кнопку «+» в правом углу экрана.

Шаг 6: В выпадающем окне нажмите «Секция А», после чего укажите Длина секции – Автоматически.

Шаг 7: Кликните иконку с кольцом в правом верхнем углу, чтобы открыть окно с библиотекой треков на вашем устройстве.

Шаг 8: Нажмите на искомой песне пальцем и перенесите ее на основной экран программы.

Шаг 9: Вы импортировали в аудиоредактор весь трек целиком. Но песню надо укоротить, так как для рингтона подходит композиция длительностью 30 секунд, а для коротких сообщений – 4 секунды.

Шаг 10: Уменьшить длину трека можно двумя способами: либо двигая за края звуковой линии трека (справа или слева), либо разделив композицию при помощи инструмента ножницы. Чтобы использовать инструмент ножницы, нужно дважды нажать на полоску со звуковым рядом, затем щелкнуть «Разделить». Далее отрезаем ножницами искомый фрагмент и удаляем ненужные части.

Шаг 14: Открываем раздел Настройки –> Звуки, тактильные сигналы –> Рингтон и выбираем наш сохраненный рингтон.

Подробности Категория: Музыка Создано: 11.11.2013 10:15 Опубликовано: 11.11.2013 10:15 GarageBand слышали, пожалуй, все пользователи “яблочных” устройств. С его помощью можно создавать собственную музыку с помощью большого набора музыкальных инструментов. Несмотря на то, что с выходом iOS 7, дизайн Apple взял курс на избавление от скевоформизма, GarageBand избежал этой участи. И, Слава Богу!

Цена: бесплатно
Для iPhone: да
Для iPad: да
Язык: русский
Разработчик/Издатель: Apple Inc .


Все музыкальные инструменты по-прежнему напоминают своих собратьев из реального мира: гитары в GarageBand напоминают гитары, барабаны – барабаны и т.д. Все это, как и ранее, заметно упрощает освоение программы.

Бесплатность приложения?

Не так давно Apple сделала приложение бесплатным. Многих эта новость обрадовала. Что это было? Жест щедрости? Как бы не так. С одной стороны, теперь не нужно сразу же платить 169 руб. Появилась возможность попробовать GarageBand , не заплатив ни копейки.

С другой стороны, бесплатны в приложении всего несколько инструментов. Из клавишных доступны - Grand Piano, Electric Piano, Classic Rock Organ, Vintage Lead; из ударных - Classic Studio Kit, Classic Drum Machine; из гитар – Acoustic, Hard Rock. Так же бесплатен инструмент Audio Recorder , позволяющий записать любой звук или голос.

Все остальное огромное количество инструментов нам предлагают приобрести за все те же 169 руб. Как видите, Apple просто перешла к freemium версии приложения.

Как записывать собственные песни с помощью GarageBand ?

Поиграв с приложением, я решил, что читателям будет интересно узнать, как же собственно создавать свои песни? Подробных инструкций в Интернете я не нашел. На первый взгляд, скефовормизм инструментов, действительно облегчает процесс знакомства с программой, но вот дальше все не настолько очевидно.

Итак, сначала выбираем любой понравившийся нам инструмент. Например, Smart Guitar .

По умолчанию появится изображение гитары Acoustic . Нажав в небольшом окошке в левой части экрана с изображением гитары и надписью Acoustic , можно выбрать другую гитару. Как я уже писал выше, из бесплатных доступна еще и Hard Rock – гитара.

Выбрав гитару, можно начать процесс записи песни. Жмем красную кнопку записи, далее начинаем играть на гитаре. Я в музыке не силен, поэтому включил на гитаре переключатель Autoplay , гитара начала играть сама, а я лишь периодически водил пальцами по струнам. Далее останавливаем запись и жмем кнопку на верхней панели (синяя кнопка меню, как на скриншоте ниже). Появится экран, отображающий одну записанную дорожку зеленого цвета. В левой части дорожки, чтобы не запутаться, изображена гитара.

При желании, двойное нажатие на дорожке, позволит вызвать меню редактирования: вырезать, копировать, удалить и др.действия с дорожкой. Ну и саму дорожку можно растягивать в длину или уменьшать.

Далее жмем внизу окна кнопку “плюс”, чтобы добавить к нашей песне новые дорожки из других инструментов. Снова выбираем инструмент, на этот раз, к примеру, Grand Piano .

По аналогии с гитарой, нажимаем запись и записываем мелодию. Но гораздо лучше сначала нажать кнопку Play на верхней панели (значок треугольника), после чего начнет воспроизводиться дорожка с гитарой. Это позволит подбирать на слух на пианино мелодию, сочетающуюся с записанной ранее гитарной дорожкой. И уже после этого нажимаем запись и играем на пианино.

Останавливаем запись и возвращаемся к экрану с дорожками. Теперь у нас 2 записанных дорожки: гитарная и клавишная. Далее действуем по тому же принципу.


Дизайн GarageBand практически не изменился, что само по себе уже очень хорошо. Это по-прежнему одно из самых простых в освоении приложений для создания собственной музыки.

You can share a song as a GarageBand project or as an audio file. You can share GarageBand songs to SoundCloud or to another app on your device. You can send a song in an email, share to nearby devices using AirDrop, or use it as a ringtone.

GarageBand supports sharing extensions. If you have an app with a sharing extension on your device, you can share songs to a social network or other service.

You can also import a GarageBand for iOS song using iTunes. Because GarageBand for Mac offers features and functionality not found in GarageBand for iOS, you can’t import a GarageBand for Mac song to GarageBand for iOS.

In Logic Pro and GarageBand for Mac, you can share a special GarageBand for iOS-compatible version of your project to iCloud. You can add, edit, and arrange new tracks in GarageBand for iOS. When you reopen the project in Logic Pro or GarageBand for Mac, the new tracks are added to the original project.

Send a song to iTunes

    Tap Share, tap Save to Files, locate and tap the GarageBand folder on your iPad, then tap Add.

    A stereo audio file is saved to the GarageBand folder on your iPad.

    Do one of the following:

    • Drag the song from the GarageBand Documents list to the Finder.

      Click the song, click Save As, navigate to the location where you want to save the song or folder, then click Save.

GarageBand projects in the GarageBand folder on your iPad also appear in the GarageBand Documents list in iTunes. Save them to your computer, as described in Step 5.

You can open a GarageBand project in GarageBand on your Mac, or play the audio file in iTunes on your computer. You can’t open a GarageBand project on a Windows computer.

Send a song to iTunes using the GarageBand File Transfer folder

GarageBand uses the GarageBand File Transfer folder in the My Songs browser to store audio files that you can import into GarageBand songs or use with other music apps. You can save the GarageBand File Transfer folder to your computer to create a backup or to use with other apps.

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then tap Song.

    After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

    Tap Share, then tap iTunes.

    A stereo audio file is saved to the GarageBand File Transfer folder.

    Connect your iPad to your computer and open iTunes on your computer.

    Your connected iPad appears as an icon in the upper-left corner of the iTunes window.

    Select the icon for your iPad, click File Sharing in the sidebar under Settings, then click GarageBand in the Apps list.

    The GarageBand File Transfer folder appears in the Documents list.

    Do one of the following:

    • Drag the GarageBand File Transfer folder from the GarageBand Documents list to the Finder.

      Click the GarageBand File Transfer folder, click Save As, navigate to the location where you want to save it, then click Save.

Send a song in an email

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then tap Song.

    After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

    Tap Share, then tap Mail.

    A new email is created with the song as an attachment.

    In the email, tap the To, Cc/Bcc, and Subject fields to edit the recipients and the subject of the email. To choose recipients from your Address Book, tap the Add Recipient button.

    Tap the body of the email to edit the message text.

    When the email is ready, tap Send.

    You can’t send the email until you add at least one recipient.

Send a song using Messages

Open a song in another app on your device

You can open a GarageBand song in iMovie or another app on your device. The app must be compatible with the “Open in” feature.

    • Send a stereo audio file: Tap Song, then tap Share.

      After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

      Send a GarageBand project: Tap Project.

    A list shows apps that can open the song. If there are no compatible apps on your device, the list is empty.

    Tap the icon of the app you want to open the song in.

Import a GarageBand for iOS song

You can use iTunes to import a GarageBand for iOS song that was made on another iOS device. Because GarageBand for Mac offers features and functionality not found in GarageBand for iOS, you can’t import a GarageBand for Mac song to GarageBand for iOS.

    Connect your iPad to your computer and open iTunes on your computer.

    Your connected device appears as an icon in the upper-left corner of the iTunes window.

    Select the icon for your iPad, click File Sharing in the sidebar under Settings, then GarageBand in the Apps list.

    Do one of the following:

    • Drag a song to the GarageBand Documents list.

      Click Add, navigate to the location of the song you want to add, select it, then click Choose.

After you import a song, you can open it in the My Songs browser.

Share a song to nearby devices using AirDrop

You can share songs to other iOS devices using AirDrop. AirDrop is available for devices featuring a Lightning connector.

Before sharing a song using AirDrop, you must turn AirDrop on in Control Center. You can also choose whether to share with all devices using AirDrop, or only those in your Contacts.

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then do one of the following:

    • Send a stereo audio file: Tap Song, then tap Share.

      After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

      Send a GarageBand project: Tap Project.

    Tap the device you want to share with.

    To return to the My Songs browser without sharing the song, tap Cancel.

A notification appears on the device it is shared with. After the song is downloaded to the device, it opens in GarageBand (if GarageBand is the only compatible app) or presents a list of compatible music apps.

Collaborate with other users

You can invite people to collaborate with you on songs stored in iCloud Drive. When you or one of the other users close a song you are collaborating on or close GarageBand, the song is updated with the latest changes in iCloud Drive. If changes made on multiple devices are out of sync, a copy of the song with the new changes is saved to the same location as the original in iCloud Drive. For more information about iCloud, see Use iCloud with GarageBand .

    In the My Songs browser, tap iCloud Drive in the sidebar, and locate the song you want to share.

    Tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, tap Project, then tap Add People.

    Tap Share Options to change access and permissions settings.

    Do one of the following:

    • Tap Message to share a link to your song using Messages.

      Tap Mail to send a link to your song in an email.

      Tap Copy Link to copy the link to your song to the clipboard.

      If “Only people you invite” is selected in Share Options, a window appears where you can add people that can access the song. When you are done, tap Copy Link.

Send a GarageBand song to SoundCloud

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then tap Song.

    After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

    Tap Share, then tap SoundCloud.

    If you are not logged in to SoundCloud, log in.

    Type a title for the song.

    Tap Continue and tap the Visibility, Permissions, and Quality settings you want the song to have, then tap Share.

    The song is uploaded to SoundCloud as an audio file with the selected quality setting.

    Do one of the following:

    • Open SoundCloud in Safari: Tap Visit.

      Send an email with a link to the song on SoundCloud: Tap Tell a Friend.

      Return to GarageBand: Tap Close.

Send a GarageBand song to Youku

Sending a song to Youku is available when a Chinese keyboard is chosen on your device.

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then tap Song.

    After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

    Tap Share, then tap Youku.

    If you are not logged in to Youku, log in.

    Type a title and description for the song.

    To choose an image for the song, tap Photos, then locate and tap the image.

    Tap the Privacy setting you want the song to have, then tap Share.

    The song is uploaded to Youku as a movie.

Share a GarageBand song using a sharing extension

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then do one of the following:

    • Send a stereo audio file: Tap Song, then tap Share.

      After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality and an image for the audio file.

      Send a GarageBand project: Tap Project.

    Tap the icon for the social network or service.

    Follow the instructions in the dialog for your social network or service.

Before you can share GarageBand songs using a sharing extension, you must install one or more apps that include a sharing extension.

Share a GarageBand song as a ringtone or text tone

    In the My Songs browser, tap Select, then tap the song you want to export.

    Tap Share, then tap Ringtone.

    The Export Ringtone panel opens, showing the name for the ringtone. By default, the ringtone uses the same name as the song.

    The maximum length for exported ringtones is 30 seconds. If the exported ringtone exceeds the maximum length, a dialog appears. Tap Continue to have GarageBand shorten the ringtone automatically, or tap Cancel to return to the song so you can shorten it.

    To rename the ringtone, tap the name and type a new name.

  1. In the Ringtone Export Successful panel, do one of the following:

    • Return to the My Songs browser: Tap OK.

      Choose a use for the ringtone: Tap “Use sound as,” then do one of the following:

      • Use the ringtone as your standard ringtone, replacing the existing ringtone: Tap Standard Ringtone.

        Use the ringtone as your standard text tone, replacing the existing text tone: Tap Standard Text Tone.

        See a list of your contacts: Tap “Assign to contact,” then tap the contact you want to use the ringtone with.

        Return to the My Songs browser without assigning the ringtone: Tap Done.

Manage exported GarageBand ringtones

Send a GarageBand song to YouTube or Facebook via iMovie

    In the My Songs browser, tap the Select button, tap the song you want to share, tap Share, then tap Song.

    After you tap Song, you can add the artist, composer, and title information. You can also choose the audio quality of the file, and choose an image for the audio file.

    Tap Share, then tap Copy to iMovie.

    Add your idea to a new iMovie project, then share the resulting movie to YouTube or Facebook.

    If iMovie is not installed on your device, download it from the App Store.

Минимум потраченного времени и использованных программ.

Некоторые владельцы iPhone нередко задумываются о персонализации своих устройств. Помимо всевозможных защитных чехлов подбирается также оформление для рабочего стола смартфона, а стандартные мелодии заменяют собственными рингтонами. Большая часть пользователей скачивает готовые композиции, кто-то приобретает подходящие файлы в iTunes Store.

Ожиданиям, как правило, соответствуют рингтоны, созданные самостоятельно. Для этого в App Store есть множество программ, хотя всё можно сделать в стандартном GarageBand. Весь процесс не займёт и минуты.

Создаём рингтон

  • Зайдите в программу и выберите любой тип инструментов;
  • Слева вверху переключитесь на шкалу с отсчётом времени;
  • Нажмите пиктограмму петли для перехода к выбору песни;
  • Переместитесь во вкладку «Музыка» и найдите нужный трек.

  • Удерживайте название песни до её появления в приложении;
  • Выделите 30-секундный отрезок композиции для экспорта;
  • В левом верхнем углу выберете в меню пункт «Мои песни»;
  • Удерживайте рингтон до появления иконки экспортирования.

  • В меню экспортирования выберите тип медиафайла «Рингтон»;
  • Пропишите название композиции и нажмите «Экспортировать»;
  • После завершения процесса нажмите «Использовать звук как»;
  • Укажите, для чего будет использоваться полученный рингтон.

Для владельцев iOS-версии GarageBand этот способ создания рингтонов можно считать наиболее оптимальным. Есть важный нюанс, требующий внимания: приложение не работает с файлами, которые локально не загружены на iPhone. Также программа не станет импортировать имеющие цифровую защиту файлы. Вся медиатека Apple Music оказывается в этом деле совершенно бесполезной. В остальном GarageBand успешно справляется с задачей по созданию новых рингтонов.

iPhone + iPad: 279 руб. [Скачать из App Store]

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