Плагин тюрьма для minecraft 1.7 2.


This simple jail plugin aims to be very lightweight and easy to use. It allows players with proper permissions to jail other players, unjail them and check if they are jailed (also shows information). There is also a whitelist to allow only certain commands while in jail. All messages are configurable! It does support UUID"s. It should support /reload, but full restart is preferable.


Would YOU like to make one? Let me know!


This plugin requires Java 8 and Spigot/Bukkit 1.8+.


Just install the plugin as usual and let it generate the config file. Configuration options are explained below, under "Sample config". After that you need to build an unbreakable prison cell, because this plugin does not include block protection (players can break their way out of the prison, if there"s no plugin or bedrock to stop them). Also you need to set jail and unjail positions with respective commands.

Commands and permissions
/command (explanation) required.permission

  • /jail
  • /unjail
    • simplejail.unjail (OP)
    • /unjail Prunt
    • Sets player free if they were in jail. Teleports them to specified unjail point.
  • /checkjail
    • simplejail.checkjail (OP)
    • /checkjail Prunt
    • Checks whether or not specified player is jailed or not. If is, then shows info about them.
  • /setjail
    • simplejail.setjail (OP)
    • Sets the point where player is teleported when they"re jailed. Protect it with another plugin or build it from bedrock so jailed players couldn"t break their way free.
  • /setunjail
    • simplejail.setunjail (OP)
    • Sets the point where player is teleported when they"re released from jail. It could be, for example, server spawn or outside of prison.
  • /simplejail
    • simplejail.reload (OP)
    • Reloads the config file.

Sample config

Available on GitHub.

Questions, reviews, feature requests, bug reports etc.

Let me know about any questions, feature requests, bug reports etc. in the Discussion section, please leave review section clear of them.
Basically, if you like the plugin, give it a rating, if not, then let me know in the Discussion.

TO-DO list

Please note that I no longer actively develop this plugin, so new features probably won"t be added by me. You can submit a pull request on GitHub, though.
  • Add support for multiple jails - /setjail , /setunjail , /jails
  • Add possibility to jail player forever, also add years and seconds
  • Add bailing
  • Add "jail sticks/police batons" - different items that send players to jail for configurable duration per item if hit, optionally remove certain items from their inventory as well (drugs etc)
  • Add punishment info signs for cells - per player
    • Also a command (/jailtime)
  • Add "handcuffs" (freeze player in place)
  • Add %lenght% to messages - shows punishment lenght
  • Add %punisher% to messages - player who sent someone to jail
  • Add permission "simplejail.jail.exempt"
  • Add command to show all players currently in jail (+ extra info)
  • Add command to show player"s previous punishments
  • Add a config value where admins can set the fraction of time deducted while online and offline between 0 and 2
  • Add option to disallow chat for jailed players
  • Add option to broadcast when player is sent to jail, also add silent option "/jail -s"
  • Add option to disable using/interacting with specific items/blocks

Updated: May 27, 2015 | 1,357 views |

Bukkit Jail ? The best jail ever !

Bukkit Jail is a simple Bukkit plugin for sending criminals players into a jail. The jail can be in another world if you want?

Thanks to OutGame for helping me to translate this page ?

This plugin uses MCStats and the Gravity’s Updater.

Commands and permissions

Command ? Permission ? Description (please note that are optionnals.)

/jail ? bukkitjail.jail ? Jail the player Because for .

/unjail ? bukkitjail.release ? Release the player .

/setjail ? bukkitjail.setjail ? Set the jail to your current location.


Please edit the config file only when your server is stopped !

JailedPlayers ? The jailed players.

TimeUnits ? The time units (when you jail a player for ).

CheckForUpdates ? /Ex: true ? If you want the plugin to check for updates and download them, false if not.

World ? Ex: jail ? The world name of the jail. Can be a custom world or a default world. If the world doesn’t exist, it will be created.
X ? Ex: 1000 ? The X coord of the jail.
Y ? Ex: 50 ? The Y coord of the jail.
Z ? Ex: 2000 ? The Z coord of the jail.
Yaw ? Ex: 10 ? The Yaw of the teleport location for the jail.
Pitch ? Ex: 0 ? If you don not know what is it, please leave 0.


Interact ? Ex: false ? Allow the jailed players to interact with left and right click.
Chat ? Ex: true ? Allow the jailed players to chat.
UseCommand ? Ex: false ? Allow the jailed players to use commands.
CanMove ? Ex: true ? Allow the jailed players to move.
OpenInventory ? Ex: true ? Allow the jailed players to open their inventories.


Allow you to customize the message of this plugin.

That’s all, good game !

For bugs reports and features request please make a ticket request.

Bukkit Тюрьме простой Bukkit плагин для отправки преступников игроков в тюрьму. Тюрьма может быть, в другом мире, если ты хочешь...

Тюрьму Плагин команды и разрешения

Команда - Разрешение - Описание (обратите внимание, что [Параметры] дополнительное.

/тюрьму <Игрок> [причина] [время] - bukkitjail.jail - Тюрьму игрока <Игрок>, потому что [причина] для параметра [время].

/release <Игрок> - bukkitjail.release - Релиз плеера <Игрок>.

/setjail - bukkitjail.setjail - Установите решетку, чтобы ваше текущее местоположение.

Тюрьму Конфигурации Плагина

Пожалуйста, отредактируйте config файле, когда сервер остановлен!

JailedPlayers - В тюрьму игроков.

TimeUnits - Единицы измерения времени (когда вы тюрьме игрок для параметра [время]).

Проверка наличия обновлений - /Ex: true - Автоматически проверять обновления и загрузить его.


Мир - Ex: тюрьма - Мир-название тюрьмы. Может быть пользовательским мира или мира по умолчанию. Если мир не существует, он будет создан.
X - Ex: 1000 - X-coord тюрьмы.
Y - Ex: 50 - Y coord тюрьмы.
Z - Ex: 2000 - Z coord тюрьмы.
Рыскания - Ex: 10 - Рыскания телепорт место для тюрьмы.
Поле - Ex: 0 - Если вы не знаете, что это, пожалуйста, оставьте 0.


Взаимодействия - Ex: false - Разрешите тюрьму игрокам взаимодействовать с левой и правой кнопкой мыши.
Чат - Ex: true - Разрешите тюрьму игроков, чат.
UseCommand - Ex: false - Разрешите тюрьму игроков команды.
CanMove - Ex: true - Разрешите тюрьму игроки перемещаются.
OpenInventory - Ex: true - Разрешите тюрьму игроки открывать свои запасы.


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